Happy 50th AAMD! (10-seconds)
Say, sing, or cheers "Happy 50th AAMD!" in a brief video. Here's your chance to get creative! Ask your colleagues to join you or submit it solo. RECORD A VIDEO
Favorite AAMD Memory (up to 90-seconds)
Tell a brief story about your favorite AAMD memory. This could be from an annual/fall/regional meeting, AAMD volunteering experience, speaking at an AAMD event, etc. RECORD A VIDEO
Membership Testimonial (up to 90-seconds)
How has AAMD helped you in your career? What have you gained by being an AAMD member? Why did you join AAMD? We want to hear why AAMD is important to you. RECORD A VIDEO
Please email up to 5 photos (as attachments) to: ProjectGold@medicaldosimetry.org.
We are seeking group photos of AAMD members (past & present), previous AAMD meeting photos, medical dosimetry "in action" over the years, etc. In your submission, include details of each photo (i.e. event, location, names, year, etc.). **Do not send photos from your phone, as they do not come through as attachments.**
NOTE: Due to volume and limitations, not all submitted photos will be utilized.
How will the submitted photos and videos be used?