Head and Neck Symposium
Prevalence of Malnutrition & Sarcopenia in Head & Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy
Mary Platek, PhD, MS, RD, CDN
Roswell Park
Functional Performance Following Outpatient Radiation in Head & Neck Cancer
Andrew Ray, PT, PhD
Roswell Park
Crafty Cochleas, Pesky Parotids, That Furtive Dose at the Skin Surface and other Head & Neck Planning Issues that Make this Title Way Too Long
Rachel Hackett, CMD, RT(T)
Roswell Park
Managing Pain in Head & Neck Patients: Are Narcotics Needed? And Other Challenges Getting the Head & Neck Patient Through 7 Weeks of Treatment
Anurag Singh, MD and Tracy Hails, RT(T)
Roswell Park
Challenges in Implementing a Successful Liver Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) Program in a Clinic (Handouts not provided)
Harish Malhotra, PhD, DABR
Roswell Park
The Safe and Effective Use of Acupuncture for the Treatment of Radiation-Induced Side Effects
Douglas McDaniel, DACM, LAc
Roswell Park
Trust the Process: Optimal Breast Plans for the Individual
Kyle Johnson, CMD, RT(T)
Roswell Park
Plan Review through Benchmarking (Kumaraswamy is not providing handouts)
Lalith Kumaraswamy, PhD, DABR and Andrew Goraj, CMD, RT(T)
Roswell Park
Medical Cannabis for Symptom Control
Amy Case, MD, FAAHPM
Roswell Park
The Art of Handling Difficult Patients (Handouts not provided)
Regina Anne Ley, RT(T)
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
The Secrets to Planning Previous Treatment (Handouts not provided)
Adam Buell, CMD, RT(T)
Roswell Park
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis: a Practical Approach for the Clinical Professional
Daniel Bailey, PhD, DABR
Northside Hospital Cancer Institute
An Overview of Emerging Technologies in Radiation Oncology: Benefits & Limitations Affecting Treatment Technique Selection
Craig McKenzie, CMD
Miami Cancer Institute
Documentation & Coding Updates for Radiation Oncology, Part I and II
Adam Brown, BS, CMD, RT(T)
Revenue Cycle, Inc.
Updates in Definitive Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer
Daniel Bourgeois III, MD, MPH
Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center
Improving Patient Quality of Life with Millimeter Margins
Mubin Shaikh, MS and Theresa Kwiatkowski, CMD
Rochester Regional Health
Immunotherapy: The New Kid on the Radiation Block (Handouts not provided)
Maryann Mikucki, MD, PhD
Roswell Park
M&M: Common Late Radiation Toxicities (Handouts not provided)
Kavitha Prezzano, MD
Roswell Park